Langsiktig oljefond til misunnelse


Ruth Sullivan i FTfmBlog rapporterer fra statssekretær Schjervas presentasjon av Oljefondet i London nylig, og er full av lovord.

“The decision to put part of its oil wealth to work for the country’s pension pot is one that makes many pension savers in other parts of the world gnash their teeth in envy. Most pension fund investors and politicians can only dream of this ever becoming a mainstream approach,” skriver Sullivan.

På toppen av ansvarlige investeringer noterer Sullivan også fordelen med den langsiktige aksjesparingen i fondet:

“And it has largely delivered good performance with the exception of last year when it continued its strategy of investing 60 per cent in equities, even in plunging markets. The fund has now recouped all last year’s losses and in the next few years Mr Schjerva expects the £280bn fund to double in size,” skriver Sullivan videre.

Hun siterer også Schjervas beskrivelse av jevn sparing: “Everyone thought we were crazy to buy in a falling market but this year everyone thinks we’re really clever because the markets have rallied, says Mr Schjerva.”

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